New Baby

Went to the Midwife today. Everything seems good. AM’s belly is so big that the midwife thought we must have miscalculated the firstday/last period. She said according to the measurements she was 5 months instead of 4. Maybe A giant baby!! or maybe twins!!! NOOOOO!!!!! She wants us to get an ultrasound to check the baby’s age. We were going to do that to find out the sex anyway. She said that AM’s constant nausia meant a girl, but then said the heartbeat meant a boy. We’ll see in a few weeks.

Sparks vs B^e

I’m a lightweight. One beer and I get really tired and want to go to bed. So Crimtor told me about this energy drink/beer called sparks the other day. It’s like an alcoholic redbull. I tried it and it was pretty good. It tastes like redbull (liquid flinstones vitimins) with some alcohol in it. It worked really well to keep me awake, but didn’t get me quite as drunk as a normal beer would. In the same section they had a budweiser drink called B^e. It has caffeine, ginseng, guarana and everything that Sparks has, so I figured I’d try it. Whereas Sparks tastes like redbull with alcohol in it, B^e tastes like beer with redbull in it. It has that crappy beer taste with a little sweetness that’s kind of sickening. Sparks is sweet, but that’s all it is, so it doesn’t make you sick.

I think I’ll stick with Sparks. Then again, maybe I shouldn’t be drinking by myself anyway…


Crazy ass Japanese people

So somehow I stumbled across this site with some crazy ass games. It was obviously created by a Japanese guy, as they always make very weird, extremely addictive games.

One of the games is called Grow. You take different objects, drag them onto this sphere, and they grow/evolve. The point is to do them in the right order to get them all to max out their growth. Then there is an RPG version. It’s the same concept, but you grow a castle, a shop, a cave with treasure, etc, and then your little guy goes on a journey based on how well you levelled up everything. I finally beat that one. Still haven’t beaten the regular version.

Then there is a wierd whack-a-mole and a game that’s similar to the head switching mini-game in Mario DS. And then there is a shrubbery game called Vanilla. You click on a planter and a little shrub grows. Click the shrub and another one grows on top. You keep going and the shrubs tilt one way or the other as you click on them. The point is to grow it as tall as possible without hitting the walls. My best was like 20 feet. Crimtor got 30 something. From the height of the window you should be able to get at least 100 feet.

Over all some very awesome games, but probably make more sense on some sort of drug.


First post

This is the first post for my brand new blog. I don’t have anyting to say at the moment, but I figured I need to put something in here. Check back after I finish building my site and I might have something to say.