Halloween 2005

This year Ezra decided we were going to go as Star Wars characters. He really wanted to be Yoda, and since Amber is pregnant, she and Sebastian would be Padme and Luke and Leia (he did a good job of playing twins). That left Anakin for me.

I sewed all of the costumes myself (except for the pants, it was easier to just find pants that were the right color) I used a pattern for my Anakin tabbards and tunic, but just made up patterns for Yoda’s head, 3 fingered gloves, 3 toed feet and Padme’s tunic. I also made the jewely for padme’s neck line and belts.

Referrer Spam

For the past week I have been under attack from some Spam Bot that requests my blog index page, and gives the referrer as some porn site. that wouldn’t be so bad, but my bandwidth went from a few megs to over 225megs in a few days. It hit once a minute, each time from a different IP, with a slightly different url in the referrer. Sometimes it was mature-pictures.stupidsite.pl, sometimes it was forced-rape.stupidsite.pl. I don’t want to give the real url, because I’m sure that’s exactly what they would want. .pl is Poland for those who don’t know, although I’m sure the site was not really polish. At first I tried banning the ip addresses, but there were hundreds of them.

Finally I found Referrer Karma. It’s a cool program/script that checks the referring url, and if it doesn’t have a link to your site on it, the person/bot gets a 403 forbidden instead of your site. I installed it and checked my logs to see that all of the bots were getting 403s. After 2 days of getting nothing but 403s, the bots seem to have given up. There was not a single one in my logs. Now my logs are nice and clear to see all of the people who aren’t coming here.

Buy me a scary blackman

We walk into Webers last night and Ezzie starts yelling “Daddy, look a black man, a scary black man! Will you buy me a scary black man?” I’m like SHHHHHH! and look around to see which black person I should be appologising to, but there weren’t any around.

Scary Blackman

Then he shows me the halloween Pez dispenser section. There is what I can only guess is supposed to be a skeleton, but it really looks like someone in “blackface” I can’t believe noone has complained about this thing yet. I’m sure there will be some civil rights group up in arms about this.

EZ really really really wanted this thing, but AM thought it was way too racist and wouldn’t let him have it. He cried and stuck it in the cart anyway, and she put it back while he wasn’t looking. The whole way home he was looking through the shopping bags for this thing. When we got home and put everything away, he was quite disappointed that it wasn’t in there.

Today I had to stop at the store for eggs on the way home, and so I picked it up for him. I couldn’t resist. I couldn’t believe they would make such a thing, or that no one had even mentioned anything about it. But now I have, and if anyone ever reads this, I expect to hear a story about this on the news. Preferably CBS 5, since that’s what we watch.

It’s A Boy! (again)

We got a sonigram today, and it looks like EZ is going to have a little brother. I’m pretty excited, because it means all of EZ’s old outfits will fit him and be the right season. If it were a girl, AM would want to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe for her. And when we finally did have another boy, he might be born in the summer, and none of EZ’s cloths would be right for him. He would have to wear fleece onesies in July, and t-shirts in December.

So his name is going to be Sebastian Osiris Fox, to go with my sister Isis who was born on the 22. It turns out we were right on his due date, he will be born Jan 16. The doctor didn’t even say he was big for his age, so I wonder why AM is showing a month ahead. The sad thing about Jan 16 is that is LIZ’s b-day…. I don’t want a little liz running around my house. At least it’s boy. So I will have a little bitchy man. Yeah!! =(